Codecat - Tool To Help In Manual Analysis In Codereview

CodeCat is a open source tool to help you in codereview, to find/track sinks and this points follow regex rules...

How too install, step by step:

Go to CodeCat directory, install backend and frontend libs:
$ cd Front
$ sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd ..
$ cd Backend
$ sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run backend and frontend...
$ cd Codecat
$ cd Frontend; python3 &
$ cd ..
$ cd Backend; python3 &
Next step you need save your user to login:
$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"","username":"admin","password":"rubrik123"}' -k
This end point /api/users, run only one time in first deploy, if you try to send request again to insert user, the endpoint return 404... is for security.
Go to this following "". Now you can enter in this system auth, use login "admin", pass "rubrik123".
Note About TLS: You can configure and load your TLS cert in "".

How you can use it ?
Please study the doc.

Developed by: Antonio Costa -

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