BBQSQL - A Blind SQL Injection Exploitation Tool

Blind SQL injection can be a pain to exploit. When the available tools work they work well, but when they don't you have to write something custom. This is time-consuming and tedious. BBQSQL can help you address those issues.
BBQSQL is a blind SQL injection framework written in Python. It is extremely useful when attacking tricky SQL injection vulnerabilities. BBQSQL is also a semi-automatic tool, allowing quite a bit of customization for those hard to trigger SQL injection findings. The tool is built to be database agnostic and is extremely versatile. It also has an intuitive UI to make setting up attacks much easier. Python gevent is also implemented, making BBQSQL extremely fast.

Overview of Readme
We tried to write the tool in such a way that it would be very self explanatory when setting up an attack in the UI. However, for sake of thoroughness we have included a detailed Readme that should provide you additional insight on the specifics of each configuration option. One thing to note is that every configuration option in the UI has a description associated with it, so if you do choose to fire up the tool without reading this page you should be able to hack your way through an attack.

High Level Usage
Similar to other SQL injection tools you provide certain request information.
Must provide the usual information:
  • URL
  • HTTP Method
  • Headers
  • Cookies
  • Encoding methods
  • Redirect behavior
  • Files
  • HTTP Auth
  • Proxies
Then specify where the injection is going and what syntax we are injecting. Read on for details.

This should be straight forward, but what ever is. Try running:
sudo pip install bbqsql
If that doesn't work for you, you can install from source. The tool requires gevent , requests .

BBQSQL Options
In the menu you will see a place for BBQSQL options. Here you specify the following options:

This is described in greater detail below query syntax overview .

The name of a file to output the results to. Leave this blank if you dont want output to a file.

BBQSQL utilizes two techniques when conducting a blind SQL injection attack. The first and default technique used is binary_search. See Wikipedia for more information.
The second technique you can use is frequency_search. Frequency searching is based on an analysis of the English language to determine the frequency in which a letter will occur. This search method is very fast against non-entropic data, but can be slow against non-english or obfuscated data.
You can specify either binary_search or frequency_search as the value for this parameter.

This specifies the type of SQL injection you have discovered. Here you can set which attribute of the http response bbqsql should look at to determine true/false.
You can specify: status_code , url , time , size , text , content , encoding , cookies , headers , or history
If you have identified sql injection that results in a different server status code set 'status_code' here. If the cookie is different set 'cookie'. If the response size is different set 'size'. You get the jist.

Concurrency is based on the gevent library in Python. Functionally, it appears to act like threading but the specifics of how this works can be seen in our DefCon talk here [insert link here]. This setting controls the amount of concurrency to run the attack with. This is useful for throttling the requests and speeding up attack times. For really high performance web-servers such as nginx, we have been able to set the concurrency to 75. By default this is set to '30'.

Query Syntax Overview
If you run into a SQL injection vulnerability that has some weird quirks (such as certain characters can't be included or functions like ASCII/CHAR do not work), you have probably found yourself writing some sort of script with your custom injection syntax. BBQSQL takes out the scripting part and provides a way for you to paste in your custom query syntax and exploit with ease.
The query input is where you will construct your query used to exfiltrate information from the database. The assumption is that you already have identified SQL injection on a vulnerable parameter, and have tested a query that is successful.
Below is an example query you can use to construct your query.
In this example, the attacker is looking to select the database version:
vulnerable_parameter'; if(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT @@version LIMIT 1 OFFSET ${row_index}) , ${char_index} ,1))) ${comparator:>}ASCII(${char_val}) WAITFOR DELAY '0\:0\:0${sleep}'; --
The query syntax is based around placeholders which tell BBQSQL how to execute the attack.
You need to provide the following placeholders of information in order for the attack to work. Once you put these in your query, bbqSQL will do the rest:
${row_index} : This tells bbqSQL to iterate rows here. Since we are using LIMIT we can view n number of row depending on ${row_index} value.
${char_index} : This tells bbqSQL which character from the subselect to query.
${char_val} : This tells bbqSQL where to compare the results from the subselect to validate the result.
${comparator} : This is how you tell BBQSQL to compare the responses to determine if the result is true or not. By default, the > symbol is used.
${sleep} : This is optional but tells bbqSQL where to insert the number of seconds to sleep when performing time based SQL injection.
Not all of these place holders are required. For example, if you have discovered semi-blind boolean based SQL injection you can omit the ${sleep} parameter.

HTTP Parameters
BBQSQL has many http parameters you can configure when setting up your attack. At a minimum you must provide the URL, where you want the injection query to run, and the method. The following options can be set:
  • files
  • headers
  • cookies
  • url
  • allow_redirects
  • proxies
  • data
  • method
  • auth
You specify where you want the injection query to be inserted by using the template ${injection} . Without the injection template the tool wont know where to insert the query.

Provide files to be sent with the request. Set the value to the path and BBQSQL will take care of opening/including the file.

HTTP headers to be sent with the requests. This can be a string or a dictionary. For example:
{"User-Agent":"bbqsql"} or "User-Agent: bbqsql"

A dictionary or string of cookies to be sent with the request. For example:

Specify a url that the requests should be sent to.

This is a boolean that determines wether http redirects will be follwed when making requests.

Specify an http proxy to be used for the request as a dictionary. For example:
{"http": "","https": ""}

Specify post data to be sent along with the request. This can be a string or a dictionary. For example:
{"input_field":"value"} or input_field=value

Specify the method for the http request. Valid methods are

Specify a tuple of username and password to be used for http basic authentication. For example:

Export Config
After you have setup your attack in the UI, you can export the configuration file. You will see the option when you run the tool. The exported configuration file uses ConfigParser, and is easy to read. An example configuration file can be seen below:
`[Request Config] url =${injection} method = GET
[HTTP Config] query = ' and ASCII(SUBSTR((SELECT data FROM data LIMIT 1 OFFSET ${row_index:1}),${char_index:1},1))${comparator:>}${char_val:0} # technique = binary_search comparison_attr = size concurrency = 30`
This is useful if you plan on resuming an attack or maybe just adjusting the query but don't want to go through the hassle of reconfiguring every option.

Import Config
You can also import a config from the command line or from the user interface. To import a config from the command line just run bbqsl with the following options:
bbqsql -c config_file
When you load a config file either via command line or the user interface, the same validation routines are run on the paramters to make sure that are valid.

Custom Hooks
Sometimes you need to do something really crazy. Maybe do you need to encrypt the values going into a field before sending the request or maybe you need to triple URL encode. Regardless, these situations make other tools impossible to use. BBQSQL allows you to define "hook" functions that the tool will call at various points throughout the request. For example, you can specify a pre_request function that takes the request as its argument, does whatever mutations are necessary, and returns the modified request to be sent on to the server.
To implement this, create a Python file and specify hook functions. The available function names are listed bellow. In your hooks file, you can define as few or as many of these hooks functions as you would like. Then, in the bbqsql_options section of the menue, you can specify the location of your hooks_file. BBQSQL will suck in this file and use whatever hooks you defined.
It is important that the hooks functions you specify have the exact names specified bellow or else BBQSQL won't know which hook to call when. The args function receives one parameter that contains all the arguments that are being used to create the HTTP request. The pre_request function receives the request object before it is sent. The post_request function receives the request object after it has been sent. The response function receives the response object before it is returned to BBQSQL.
The following hooks are made available:
args : A dictionary of the arguments being sent to Request().
pre_request : The Request object, directly before being sent.
post_request : The Request object, directly after being sent.
response : The response generated from a Request.
For more information on how these hooks work and on how your hooks dictionary should look, check out the requests library documentation on its hooks
An example hooks file might look like this:
# file:
import time

def pre_request(req):
this hook replaces a placeholder with the current time
expecting the url to look like this:
req.url = req.url.replace('PLACEHOLDER',str(time.time()))
return req

Found a Bug?
Submit any bug fixes or feature requests to

Can I Help?
Please! We see this being a great starting place to build a fully capable sql injection framework. Feel free to fork the code and we can merge your changes if they are useful.

What's Up With the Name?
BBQ is absolutely delicious and so is SQL injection!

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